

Star vs. the Forces of Evil S03E24:Monster Bash 怪物驚魂

Star vs. the Forces of Evil S03E22 S03E23:Night Life 夜生活、Deep Dive 一探究竟

Star vs. the Forces of Evil S03E20 S03E21:Death Peck 啄擊死刑、Ponymonium 小馬鬩牆

Star vs. the Forces of Evil S03E18 S03E19:Sweet Dreams 美夢、Lava Lake Beach 熔岩湖灘

Star vs. the Forces of Evil S03E16 S03E17:Princess Turdina 桃蒂娜公主、Starfari 探星隊

Star vs. the Forces of Evil S03E14 S03E15:Lint Catcher 棉屑過濾器、Trial by Squire 侍衛考驗